I did not test it on another Perl installation. However, I did go through
even to the end of the line and try to find an invisible white space, or
anything that might have changed it. I even changed editors to see if there
was something I could see in one that I couldn't in the other.

Like I said, I made it work by deleting the line and re-typing it, but when
this message popped up on this list, I knew someone other than just me had
seen this problem and I decided to see if I could find any common thread
between what I had seen, and the problem this person was having.

Steve H.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Fowler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 10:02 PM
To: Steve Howard
Subject: Re: If Statement won't work

On Sun, Aug 05, 2001 at 09:51:15AM -0500, Steve Howard wrote:
> By any chance are you using Activestate? I have no explanation, but I have
> run across two or three times when everything should have worked, the
> variable evalueated to what it should have been, but the if refused to
> return true and execute. those three times I have been able to delete the
> line and re-type it and make it work.

This sounds suspiciously like your editor inserted invisible characters
where it shouldn't have.  Have you ever tested such code with any other
perl, such as cygwin's, or one on a Unix box?

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