also, if you have already downloaded the package via CPAN, then check 
the ~/.cpan/build directory for the source code as well

"Brett W. McCoy" wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Matthew Lyon wrote:
> > I'm looking for the source to Getopts::Long . pm
> It should be right there on your system.  Nothing mysterious.  On my
> machine it was under
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/Getopt/
> It's just plain ol' Perl.  No XS files or anything.
> > I glanced at the repository over at and it led me to a page about
> > the programmer and so forth but there really wasn't an explicit "click
> > here for the source code"-link.
> It's usually bundled in a tar ball on CPAN, which you download and
> install in the usual way for CPAN modules: perl Makefile.PL; make; make
> test; make install
> - Brett
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It's raisins that make Post Raisin Bran so raisiny ...
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