Please to be helping me,
dank u, dank u,

but on a more serious note, I am struggling to accomplish one feature of my
web currently.

I am querying how to associate the qty11820 with another line in a table by
the name 11820, as my information does not cross lines correctly, well, it
prints all the quantities on each line separated by commas.

The feature is a user input text field, pretty simple, huh?

    ----qty* is derived from the part number, the asterisk does not exist
    ---- if the part number is 11820, so becomes qty11820.
    ---- qty1 through qty51698 are the current options, however the database
is growing dramatically daily

qty11820 was derived from another Perl/CGI script by querying the DBI for a
part number, the part number was then appended to qty with
    ----Search the following script for $qty to locate where the
complication exists

in the beginning of the I have to declare $qty = $field{'qty'};
to extract the quantities field from the is where
qty11820 is being declared, when I was referencing just qty in,
all fields in the table would GET the result of 1,1,2,2,4,4,300,300...
Now I have reformed Search to designate qty1, qty2, qty200...

In the following script, how would i call those declarations, and match them
to the exact line for {'PartNumber'}?

In my table, I am building it by
my $dbh = DBI->connect($DSN, "USER", "PASS" ) || &PrintError;
 $sth1 = $dbh->prepare(qq{SELECT CompanyName, Addr1, Addr2, City, State,
Zip, Phone, Fax, Email, ContactName FROM Buyers WHERE Email = "$Username"})
|| die $dbh->errstr;
 $sth1->execute() || die $dbh->errstr;
 $ref1 = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref();

foreach $sPartNumber ( keys ( %field ) ) {
 if ( $sPartNumber !~ /^[0-9]+$/ ) {
 if ( $field{$sPartNumber} !~ /yes/i ) {

 $sth2 = $dbh->prepare(qq{SELECT Seller_ID FROM Parts WHERE Part_ID =
"$sPartNumber"}) || die $dbh->errstr;
 $sth2->execute() || die $dbh->errstr;
 $ref2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref();

 $iSellerId = $ref2->{'Seller_ID'};
   if ( exists ( $hSellers{$iSellerId} ) ) {
  $hSellers{$iSellerId} = $hSellers{$iSellerId} . "|" . $sPartNumber;
 } else {
  $hSellers{$iSellerId} = $sPartNumber;


foreach $SellerId ( keys %hSellers ) {
 $sth3 = $dbh->prepare(qq{SELECT CompanyName, Addr1, Addr2, City, State,
Zip, Phone, Fax, RFQEmail FROM Sellers WHERE Seller_ID = "1"}) || die
 $sth3->execute() || die $dbh->errstr;
 $ref3 = $sth3->fetchrow_hashref();

 # print out the start of the email

 # for each part in the RFQ
 foreach $sPartNumber ( split ( /\|/,  $hSellers{$SellerId} ) ) {

  $sth2 = $dbh->prepare(qq{SELECT Seller_ID, PartNumber, Description,
AlternatePartNumber, Manufacturer FROM Parts WHERE Part_ID =
"$sPartNumber"}) || die $dbh->errstr;
  $sth2->execute() || die $dbh->errstr;
  $ref2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref();

 print MAIL "<tr>\n";
 print MAIL " <td align=center nowrap><font face='Times New
 print MAIL " <td align=center nowrap><font face='Times New
 print MAIL " <td align=center nowrap><font face='Times New
 print MAIL " <td align=center nowrap><font face='Times New
 print MAIL " <td align=center nowrap><font face='Times New
 print MAIL " <td align=center nowrap><font face='Times New
Roman'><b>$ref2->{'Price Ea.'}&nbsp;</b></font></td>\n";
 print MAIL " <td align=center nowrap><font face='Times New
Roman'><b>$ref2->{'Extended Price'}&nbsp;</b></font></td>\n";
 print MAIL "</tr>\n";

 } # end while we have more parts to pop off of this stack
$dbh->disconnect || warn $dbh->errstr;

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