Hi All,

I am writing a program to display POD, functions, Perl FAQ, and programs and
want to impement two rules for the input:

1. it is Perl module names if the input starts with words or '-m';
2. it is Perl function, FAQ, or program name if it starts with -f, -q, or -p

Here is the test program that I used to test the codes to parse out the
input. I have problem to implement Rule two if there is '-' in the server
name or file names.

Could you help me - you RE and Perl experts!


#  more tst70.pl
use strict;
use warnings;

my $inp='Carp Text::ParseWords -f stat qr ';
   $inp .= '-m CGI DBI -f open readdir ';
   $inp .= '-q "send mail:mail address:parse" ';
   $inp .= '-p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv ';
   $inp .= '-f lc uc ';
my $re1 = qr((-m\s*)?[\w: ]+);
my $re2 = qr(-[fpmq]\s+);
my $re3 = qr([\w:"'\/\s]+);

my $i = 0;
while ($inp) {
    if ($inp =~ /^($re1)/) {
        print "\nMatch: $&\n  Pre: $`\n Post: $'\n";
        $inp = $';
    if ($inp =~ m{^($re2)($re3)\s+($re2)?}) {
        print "\n  1st: $1\n  2nd: $2\n  3rd: $3\n";
        print "Match: $&\n  Pre: $`\n Post: $'\n";
        $inp = "$3$'";
    print "Input $i: $inp\n";
    $inp = "" if ($i > 9);

#> ./tst70.pl

Match: Carp Text::ParseWords
 Post: -f stat qr -m CGI DBI -f open readdir -q "send mail:mail
address:parse" -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc

  1st: -f
  2nd: stat qr
  3rd: -m
Match: -f stat qr -m
 Post: CGI DBI -f open readdir -q "send mail:mail address:parse" -p
df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 1: -m CGI DBI -f open readdir -q "send mail:mail address:parse" -p
df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc

Match: -m CGI DBI
 Post: -f open readdir -q "send mail:mail address:parse" -p
df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc

  1st: -f
  2nd: open readdir
  3rd: -q
Match: -f open readdir -q
 Post: "send mail:mail address:parse" -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt
df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 2: -q "send mail:mail address:parse" -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt
df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc

  1st: -q
  2nd: "send mail:mail address:parse"
  3rd: -p
Match: -q "send mail:mail address:parse" -p
 Post: df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 3: -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 4: -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 5: -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 6: -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 7: -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 8: -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 9: -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc
Input 10: -p df-svr1:/tmp/myfile.txt df-svr2:/tmp/myfile.csv -f lc uc

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