
On Monday 13 August 2001 14:10, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> Troy> I'm not sure I would call Perl a mixture of many languages, though it
> has Troy> adopted features from other languages.  And calling Perl an
> OOP-based Troy> language might be overstating it, though I do like Perl's
> OOP features, Troy> such as I know them.
> It's about as OO as C++ or Java.  What do you call C++ and Java?

What do I call C++ and Java?  I'd call them programming languages designed to 
be used in an OO fashion.  Is Perl that?  I don't know Damian Conway or Larry 
Wall personally, as you do - do they consider Perl a language designed to be 
used in an OO fashion?  What I see is an elegant and extremely flexible 
language that allows you to work in an OO fashion if you choose.  

As you know OO is as much a state of mind as a feature of a language.  You 
can do non-OO programming in each of these languages.

Java is designed to be used in the OO mindset from the ground up - not 
required but highly suggested.  C++ is much the same; without the OO features 
you're just writing fancy C.

In any event, I'm not too worried about drawing comparisons between Perl and 
C++ or Java, and I don't think the original poster was specifically trying to 
do so either.  



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