I am not sure if this will help but you might be talking about using soft
references ... you would have to turn off strict to use it ...

I could not get my head aroun your description of the problem but I had many
experinces when I had discussions with people at work who felt soft references
were the only way to get to the solution and then after discussing the problem
in the open realised that a data structure is actually an easy answer to the
problem ...

example of soft reference ...

my @array = qw( first second third );
my $cnt = 1;
foreach (@array) {
    ${$_} = $cnt++
foreach (@array) {
    print ${$_},"\n";
print "\$first is $first\n";
print "\$second is $second\n";
print "\$third is $third\n";

do what you must ... 
On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 11:32:47PM -0400, Ron Woodall shaped the electrons to read:
> Hi Brett:
>          Thanks for the reply.
> At 12:08 PM 7/31/01 -0400, you wrote:
> >On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Ron Woodall wrote:
> >
> > >       I'm trying to take a word from a file and naming a scalar with
> > > that word.  i.e. I find the word "target" in a file. I then need to
> > > create $target = "xxx" and various other variables related to target.
> > > Any suggestions?
> >
> >Create a hash containing the keywords in the file:
> >
> >$akey = 'target';
> >
> >$file_data{$akey} = 'xxx';
> >
> >Or even a more complex data structure:
> >
> >$file_data{$akey} = { xxx => 'stuff',
> >                         yyy => [1, 2, 3]
> >                     };
>          Hmmmmm, I don't think this is going to work.
> >How exactly is the data in the file organized?
>          Here's the problem. Go to the Compendium of HTML Elements, 
> www.htmlcompendium.org --> Main Menu --> HTML --> Attribute Pages and click 
> on one of the tag names.
>          The right frame will open up into a list of the tag and all 
> attributes/arguments documented to work with that tag. I'm in the process 
> of completely restructuring the site and using a perl script. This is, in 
> part a learning exercise for me.
>          Here's the problem. One tag will have 166 attributes plus 
> additional arguments for each attribute. The next tag will potentially have 
> none. No two tags share all of the same attributes. I need to create a 
> series of scalars for each attribute such that each variable can be 
> directly addressed and decisions drawn from them and the new structure 
> constructed.
>          The process is to bring up a tag page, gradually work my way down 
> the page parsing all of the pertinent information and storing it in 
> variables. The attributes are then sorted and the new structure is then 
> constructed using these variables.
>          When this program is complete, it will provide the shell for the 
> next program which will do the same thing but will add new tags, 
> attributes, arguments, properties, values, methods and parameters.
>          Your help is much appreciated.
>          Ron Woodall
> ---------------------------------------
> Ron Woodall
> The Compendium of HTML Elements
> "your essential web publishing resource"
> - available at/disponible ?:
> http://au.htmlcompendium.org/index.htm (Australia)
> http://www.htmlcompendium.org/index.htm (Europe and North America)
> -- 
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