Hi *,

I am rather a beginner to Perl (and programming) but
am nevertheless faced with maintaining a complex OO
environment. Yikes! Anyway, here is my problem: I have
two classes whose constructors return a db handle. "A"
accepts parameters for user/password, while "B",
although it uses A to connect as well, does not
acccept any parameters, thus connecting only as root.
All the keen methods belong to the latter class, and
since I want to connect via CGI and display the
information they provide to the masses via their
browser, without them entering passwords, I need to
know how to use A's ability to connect with B's great
methods. I've heard of something called overloading,
but can this apply to constructors? Or do I need a
whole new class, copying and pasting the stuff I need,
cmopletely undermining the OO philosophy? I know
better than to mess with the "black box". Here are the

sub new {
    my $proto=shift;
    my $specs=shift;
    my $class=ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self={};
    $self->{connection}= X::connect($specs);
    return undef unless defined $self->{$connection};
    bless ($self,$class);
    return $self;   

sub new {
    my $proto=shift;
    my $specs=shift;
    my $class=ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self={};
    $self->{X} = X->new();
    $self->{connection}= $self->{X}->{connection};
    return undef unless defined $self->{$connection};
    bless ($self,$class);
    return $self;

Many many thanks for this wonderful mailing list.
Cheers, Blair   

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