I would do it like this (taking a stab at this...critique is welcomed):

At 03:17 PM 08.16.2001 +0930, Daniel Falkenberg wrote:
>I have a problem here that I am having a little bit of trouble trying to
>resolve.  Firstly I have a Perl script that connects to a PostgreSQL
>database using the DBI module.  I want to be able to SELECT a column from
>the database and return the total result.
>For example if I do the following...
>$sth = $dbh ->prepare( qq{      SELECT      minutes
>                                FROM        table
>                                WHERE       status = 'COMPLETE'
>                                } ) || die $dbh->errstr; ;

my $total = 0;
map { $total = $total + $_ } $sth->execute;
print "The sum of the minutes is: $total\n";

I THINK that would work.  I am still somewhat new to Perl myself so if 
someone could validate that for me I'd appreciate it.  I am assuming (now 
probably I shouldn't have buuut porting this shouldn't be hard) that your 
resulting query returns just the minutes.  If it doesn't, then you will 
have to isolate those minutes into a list or array.  Then you can do the 
same thing as above but you would want to replace the '$sth->execute;' with 
'@YOUR_ARRAY' in the map statement.

Remember, map{} is your friend. :)

Thanks everyone IA.

- Jim

>The minutes attribute is of type integer.  I want to be able to calculate
>the total for the attribue minutes.  So far the result for the SQL query
>above is...
>    30
>    45
>     5
>     5
>    15
>    25
>    15
>     5
>    25
>    25
>(10 rows)
>How would I with Perl now count the column above and return a result?
>Any ideas would help imensly.
>kind regards,
>Daniel Falkenberg
>(ACN 088 825 209)
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- Jim


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