The following line of code causes 2-lines of output to the file:

        print LOG "qcfg_dt='$qcfg_dt'   \n";
$qcfg_dt contains Monday, August 20, 2001 8:53:26 PM
The second quote is written on the next line.  In the file the information 
looks like this:

        qcfg_dt='Monday, August 20, 2001 8:53:26 PM

How do I get the outout to look like:
        qcfg_dt='Monday, August 20, 2001 8:53:26 PM'

Robert ( Kent ) Collins:  IBM Certified Solutions Expert
Cell Phone:  214.632.3940
DBA Intranet Site:
"Major advancements in technology are indistinguishable from Magic"

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