$ARGV[0] not $ARG[0]

You have defined $sbjct_scr, yet are attempting to use $sbjct_srs

You have defined %query_counts, yet are attempting to use %query_conunts

You are attempting to use the while() command, yet are calling it wile...

Typos and code don't mix. Ever.

Learn to proof read your e-mails as well, it will make you a better coder.
Ever noticed how few people that post solutions here have typos in their
e-mails? I don't think it's coincidence.


-----Original Message-----
From: webmaster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 August 2001 14:48
To: perl
Subject: inquiry

what does
Global symbol "@ARG" requires explicit package name at testbio1.pl line 4.
Global symbol "$sbjct_scr" requires explicit package name at testbio1.pl 
line 29
Global symbol "%query_conunts" requires explicit package name at 
testbio1.pl lin
e 46.
Global symbol "$sbjct_srs" requires explicit package name at testbio1.pl 
line 48
and why on this lines I am getting a comp error...
  while ($query_src=~ /$pattern/g)
  wile ($sbjct_srs=~ /$pattern/g)
    $sbjct_counts{ $pattern }++;
 the whole wource code is here:

use strict;
my $REPORT_FILE="report.txt";
my $blast_file=$ARG[0]||'blast.dat';
unless (-e $blast_file)
  die "$0: error:missing file: $blast_file";
#slurp all the seqs in to the scalar
my ($query_src,$sbjct_src);

#open the blast data file and end prg (DIE) if we can't find it open(IN,
#$blast_file) or die
open (IN, $blast_file) or die "$0: ERROR: $blast_file: $!";

#go trought the blast file line by line, concat all the query and sbj seqs
while (my $line=<IN>)
  chomp $line;
  print "processing line $. \n";
  open (IN, $blast_file) or die "$0: ERROR: $blast_file: $!";
  my @words=split /\s+/, $line;
  if ($line=~ /^Query/)
    $query_src .=$words[2];
  elsif ($line =~ /^Sbjct/)
    $sbjct_scr .=$words[2];
#next line closes the blast file
close IN;

#analysis part
my @patterns=('gtccca', 'gcaatg', 'cagct', 'tcggga', '-');

#find the patterns and sotore them in to the hashes
my (%query_counts, %sbjct_counts);

#search and store
foreach my $pattern (@patterns)
while ($query_src=~ /$pattern/g)
  wile ($sbjct_srs=~ /$pattern/g)
    $sbjct_counts{ $pattern }++;

#create an empty report fele
open (OUT, ">$REPORT_FILE" or die "$0: ERROR: cant write $REPORT_FILE";

#print the header of the report file
print OUT "Seq report \n",
        "lo que sea ", scalar localtime, "\n",
        "\nNOTEdfaasafsaada \n",
        "total lenght  of the query dseq:",
        lenght $query_src, " characters \n", "results for  'Query' :\n";

#print the query mathces
foreach (my $key (sort @patterns)
  print OUT "\t '$key ' seen $query_counts{$key}\n";

print OUT "\nTOTAL lenght  of 'Sbjct' seq: ",
        lenght $sbjct_src, "cahracters\n", "resoults for 'Sbjct':\n";

#print the sbjct mathces
foreach my $key (sort @patterns)
  print OUT "\t'$key' seen  $sbjct_counts{$key}\n";

close OUT;



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