Hello, I'm *BRAND NEW* to "the list" and have what may seem trivial to 
some of you - but (because of the pressure here at-the-office) I'd 
appreciate any help anyone could lend.

I'm simply writing a program that will search one file for a string - if 
the string is found, replace it.

What I'm running up against is: if the string that I'm looking in 
contains (1 or more) *'s, or +'s or .'s - I get an error.

The line that I'm looking in is (almost) such as:  $original_ip_address 
= deny+qfe1+tcp+*-*+
(can ya guess this is a firewall packet screen?)

The syntax I'm using is:

if ($looking_for =~ /$original_ip_address//) { $i += 1 }
    print "You Found A Match !\";

However, the "$original_ip_address" is about  100 character line with 
multiple +'s, *'s, and .'s in it and I receive the error:

nested *?+ in regexp at ...line #, etc...

Lastly - I am (will be) prompting the user for input for an IP address 
to look for, but I know I'll run up against the variable containing .'s 
having problems. How (is there a way) to specify that a user input such 
as can be assigned to be '' (with the 
single quotes)

As you can see, what my objective is - is to find the user's input (of 
an IP address) in a text file, and replace that IP address, (if found) 
with a new one. (They the user is too, prompted with.)

I'm familiar enough with the s// syntax, but because of the dots, (.'s) 
in both the variables, I know I'll run up against problems.

Any help?

My appreciation for your time in advance - I know how valuable all of 
our time is.


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