OK.  I have tried so many but haven't kept very good track of them.  

Original string:
("APPLICATION" "MSWORD" ("name" Liste des numéros de téléphone.doc) NIL NIL
"BASE64" 61658 NIL ("attachment" ("filename" Liste des numéros de
téléphone.doc)) NIL)

I need to surround the
Liste des numéros de téléphone.doc
with quotes

This one came closer than any other but it is still wrong:
s/" ([a-zA-Z0-9_\. ]+)\)/" "$1"\)/g

If I remove the \) at the end of the left side, it comes really close.  I
think it is the é that is throwing it off but I don't know how to include
that in the character class.  For all I know there may be more problems than
that and definately a better way of doing it since I obviously have not
included enough characters in the character class.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brett W. McCoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 4:29 PM
To: Chris Rogers
Cc: Beginners@Perl. Org (E-mail)
Subject: Re: Confusion with Regular Expressions

> should be enclosed in quotes.  Chapter 5 in the Camel book has again
> completely confused me and I have tried many different regex's to
> this over the last two days but have had very little luck.  Any help would
> be greatly appreciated.

How about posting what you have tried so far?

-- Brett
A violent man will die a violent death.
                -- Lao Tsu

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