Thanks John for the reply.

I included the code as you suggested, but does'nt seem to work.
The output file is empty.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:19 AM, John W. Krahn <> wrote:

> Rajini Naidu wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hello,
> I am trying to search for a pattern in a file in my perl script.
>> Syntax used is :
>> system("grep \"$res\" ${data_dir}/${node}.load >
>> /tmp/${day[0]}.${day[1]}.${day[2]}.${node}.log");
>> But the grep command is'nt successful in getting the desired string.
>> Am I missing anything here ?
> open my $IN,  '<', "$data_dir/$node.load" or die "Cannot open
> '$data_dir/$node.load' $!";
> open my $OUT, '>', "/tmp/$day[0].$day[1].$day[2].$node.log" or die "Cannot
> open '/tmp/$day[0].$day[1].$day[2].$node.log' $!";
> while ( <$IN> ) {
>    next unless /$res/;
>    print $OUT $_;
>    }
> John
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