ahhhhhhhhh I got it !!!  :)

You have to use the $ENV

grepi ()
searchfor=$1 \
perl -ne 'BEGIN {$/ = "\n\n"} print if /$ENV{searchfor}/' < $2

Just an hour or two of working on it.......and it finally pas out ! ! :) WOOT !

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:30 AM, D. Crouse <> wrote:
> I have a perl -e function in my .bashrc file.
> This sources in the perl -e function so I can run it by just the command name.
> I'm having trouble with the substitution of my $1 bash variable into
> the perl -e function.
> Here is what I have so far.
> grepi ()
> {
> perl -ne 'BEGIN {$/ = "\n\n"} print if /$1/' < $2
> }
> The $2 is works as expected, if I substitute a WORD for
> $1.  It is the $1 that is giving me all sorts of grief.
> I've searched google, and am finally giving up figuring it out all by
> myself.  ;)
> Basically what it does is grep out an entire paragraph at a time,
> emulates a tru64 "grep -i" search.
> Works fine if I enter $1 in as a word, so I know I'm close :(
> Thanks

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