There is a CPAN module Text::CSV_XS that you can use.  But your data must be
valid CSV ... ie if there is a comma in the string itself , the entire string
must be in quotes like so
John Doe,"1, John Street",DoeVille .....
so in your case the proper way to deal with it is to have the input come in as
"10,000" instead ... alternatively you can insist that every single element be
quoted and then do a split on "," 

On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 08:30:11AM -0700, Allison Davis shaped the electrons to read:
> Can someone tell me how your delimited text file should look like?  Mine is
> coming across as the input fields separated by commas, but this producing a
> problem when someone is entering a number with a comma in the entry file ie:
> 10,000.
> My text file looks like this:
> name,address,city,state,zip,polulation,etc.
> Can each filed be separated by a comma and something else like
> {name},{address},{etc or |name|,|address|,|city|,
> Thanks
> Allison
> P.S. I import this file into a loan program that calls for a delimited text
> file.  I am Unix based.
> -- 
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