Chas. Owens wrote:
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 09:20, Rajini Naidu <> wrote:

 I am trying to execute the below line in the perl program and returns a
value 0.

my $test2 = "";
my $include =  "file";

$test2 = system("/usr/atria/bin/cleartool desc \$include | grep created |
awk -F\" \" \'{print \$2}\' | cut -b 1-9 ");

The value returned by $test2 is 0. I suspect grep and awk commands are not
getting executed.
Is there any thing wrong in the syntax ????

The system[1] function returns 0 on success and a nonzero value
specific to the operating system on failure (often the programs
exit code and the value returned by exec[2]).  You could use the
qx// operator[3] to capture the STDOUT of the command:

my $test2 = qx{/usr/atria/bin/cleartool desc \$include |
    grep created | awk -F\" \" \'{print \$2}\' | cut -b 1-9};

but a much safer and faster way is to use the open[4] function
and avoid using external programs like grep and awk:

open my $pipe, "-|", "/usr/atria/bin/cleartool", "desc", $include
    or die "could not run cleartool: $!";

my @matches;
while (<$pipe>) {
    next unless /created/;
    my @rec = split;
    push @matches, substr $rec[1], 0, 9;

Don't forget to verify that the pipe also closed correctly:

close OUTPUT or warn $! ? "Error closing /usr/atria/bin/cleartool pipe: $!"
                        : "Exit status $? from /usr/atria/bin/cleartool";

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