
I am trying to initiate a hash once when the package is loaded (via
modperl). I don't want to make repeated DB queries for this data so
I'd like to populate the hash when my daemon starts and not again
until it's reloaded/started. I thought that I could say somethign
like, "if %defaults, return %defaults else populate %defaults and

Here's the error I am getting:

Can't modify private hash in logical or assignment (||=) at
/export/web/lib/Foo.pm line 28, near "}

Below is what I've attempted so far. Can someone give me a few pointers please?

package: Foo;

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;

my %defaults;

sub getDefaults {

  %defaults ||= do {
       my $sql = q{SELECT * from bar};
       my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
       my %vals;
       while (my $row = fetchrow_hashref) {
           %vals{$row->{id}} = $row->{'description'};
   }                                 # Does this need a semi-colon?
                                      # Should I reurn here or return
%defauls ||= do {...}

1;   #end of package.

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