Please see below, for some more questions.

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 9:22 PM, Chas. Owens <> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:37, Raheel Hassan <>
> wrote:
> > Thanks a lot for your explanation. For adding support of CGI, SSL and
> > in perl, what modules do i need to install. Please write down the
> commands
> > for installing and uninstalling and also for checking that what modules
> are
> > installed by default in perl as i have read the apache doccumentation
> where
> > it is not mentioned clearly.
> snip
> CGI[1] is part of Core Perl, so you already have it.  SSL should be handled
> for you by Apache, but in case you need to make your own SSL connections
> you
> can use IO::Socket::SSL[2].  For MySQL you will need DBI[3] and
> DBD::mysql[4].

Can you please explain IO::Socket::SSL and DBD::mysql why we write in our
programs these lines..

> In general, if you need some code to do something you should look on
> CPAN[5].
> You can test whether a module is installed or not by saying
> perl -MModule::Name -le 'print "ok"'

I have written this command  * perl -DBD::Mysql -le*
and received this response *"Recompile perl with -DDEBUGGING to use -D
switch (did you mean -d ?)
Unrecognized switch: -::Mysql  (-h will show valid options).

> If you get "ok" back then it is installed, if you get back an error then
> either it is not installed or you need to set PERL5LIB to point to where it
> is installed.

How i will set the PERL5LIB to point where it is installed.

> There are multiple methods of installing modules.  In order of my
> preference:
> * use a package manager:
>    apt-get install libdbi-perl

For adding MySql support which modules do i need to add.Because at CPAN web
site when i searched DBD and DBI there are many modules available.

> * use cpan
>   cpan DBI
> * compile from a tarball
>   1. download a tarball from CPAN
>   2. decompress tarball
>   3. change directory into the extracted tarball

Is it manadaotry

>   4. perl Makefile.PL

What is the function of

>   5. make
>   6. make test
> if all of the steps above succeed without errors
>   7. make install
> 1.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> --
> Chas. Owens
> The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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