Prince Mavi wrote:
Hi folks


I am new to perl. this is my first real program in perl.
The program is not doing what i intend it to do.
The problem in nut shell is that:
I expect to see the menu first and then input my choice.
the program asks for my choice first and then displays the menu

Please have a look and see what am i doing wrong.

Thanks a ton for your time guys.

use strict;
use warnings;

sub dispBlanks {
print "\n\n";

sub clrScr {

sub dispMenu {
print "\n\n=== Student Manage Pro ===\n";
print "1. Display all students\n";
print "2. Display a particular student\n";
print "3. Add a new student\n";
print "4. Delete a student\n";
print "0. Exit\n";
print "Please choose one of the options\n";

while (1) {
my $choice = <STDIN>;

Your problem is here. You are calling the subroutine 'dispMenu' with the argument 'my $choice = <STDIN>'. In order to pass the value of the expression 'my $choice = <STDIN>' to the subroutine 'dispMenu' the expression must be evaluated first so you must provide an option before the menu is displayed.

chomp($choice);                         # to remove newline
print "you chose $choice";

Once that is fixed then this line will only diplay for a tiny fraction of a second as you loop around and clear the screen right away.

} ----------------------------------------------------------

I would do it using strings instead of subroutines:

# #!/usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my $dispBlanks = "\n\n";
my $clrScr     = `clear`;
my $dispMenu   = <<MENU;

=== Student Manage Pro ===
1. Display all students
2. Display a particular student
3. Add a new student
4. Delete a student
0. Exit
Please choose one of the options

while ( 1 ) {
    print $dispMenu;
    my $choice = <STDIN>;
    chomp $choice;      # to remove newline
    last if $choice == 0;
    print "you chose $choice", $dispBlanks;


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