Hi Guys,


I am learning the object::insideout model now and can't find mush materials on 
website. Do anyone know how to declare a hash data as attribute in object field 
and how to use it.


I have example show below, but it seems not work properly. why the "first_para" 
didn't show it's default value?






-----------------------source code -----------------


package BaseClass::configure; {

use Object::InsideOut;


my %parameters : Field = (

    'first_para' => {

           'Regex' => qr /^first$/i,

           'Type'  => 'number',

            'default'  => "ok",




sub set_parameter {

    my $self = shift;

    my %hash = ( 'first_1' => 1; 'second' => 2);


    $self->set(\%parameters, \%hash);

    print "seting done\n";




sub get_first{

      my $self = shift;


     my $hash = $parameters{$$self};


     foreach my $k (keys %$hash) {print "$k -> $hash->{$k}\t"}

    print "\n getting done\n";




package main;


my $obj = BaseClass::configure;







seting done

first_1 -> 1    second -> 2

getting done



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