Gurunandan R. Bhat wrote:
> Sure. I think you would like to have the error messages next to the sub
> that threw them, but here is what you want: (NOT TESTED!!)


Thank you ever so much.

Although I inserted the data statically into my _render_error() method,
the result is positive!

Other than site-specific changes, your code was completely copy and
paste. Kudos.

Now that I have a baseline to work with, it will be trivial for me to
follow this example to insert my data dynamically, and format it as I



ps. I've stuck with my 'passing the $error around' for now. I've been
finding that going over older code (a couple of years old) and being
able to rewrite it at 20% its original size is a good thing. Even if my
error checking is the hard way, it's still 'a' way, and one I'll
eventually learn a lesson from ;)

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