On Fri, 2009-07-10 at 15:19 -0600, Scott wrote:
> Hello,
> I almost have this but cannot figure out why its not showing the data, 
> right now it knows how many entries im putting in because it spits out 
> that number of rows.
> I am getting my data from dbd::mysql, it works because i have tested in 
> in a normal test.pl and it prints out the data but not using an array or 
> hash.
> I tried to follow this example: 
> http://search.cpan.org/~samtregar/HTML-Template-2.9/Template.pm#TMPL_LOOP
> I think its the second loop example on there.
> Here is my code on the perl side:
> my @wall_data = ();
>       while(my $wallref = $wallpostquery->fetchrow_hashref())
>       {
>               my %walldata;
>               $walldata{WALL_SUBJECT} = $wallref{'SUBJECT'};
>               $walldata{WALL_DATE} = $wallref{'DATE'};
>               $walldata{WALL_POSTID} = $wallref{'POSTID'};
>               $walldata{WALL_MESSAGE} = $wallref{'MESSAGE'};
>               push (@wall_data, \%walldata);

# The above pushes the address of hash on the array, over and over
                 push @wall_data, { %walldata };
# This code pushes an anonymous hash containing the data on to the

>       }       
>       $template->param(WALL_LOOP => \...@wall_data);
> Web side:
>               <h3><a href="#"><TMPL_VAR NAME='WALL_SUBJECT'> - Posted by 
>               <div id="wallmessage">
>                       <p><TMPL_VAR NAME="WALL_MESSAGE"></p>
>               </div>
>       </TMPL_LOOP>
> thanks for those that help, sometimes handling data types is hard for me.
> -Scott
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