On Tuesday 28 July 2009 02:00:13 David Christensen wrote:
> Perl Beginners:
> I am thinking about a Perl web/ database application for political
> organizing and campaigns -- generating precinct walk lists, generating
> phone banking lists, tracking contacts, etc..  I am using Debian
> GNU/Linux 5 with Apache 2.2, mod_perl 2, PostgreSQL 8.3, and Perl 5.10.
> I would like to start with a single-user, simple UI, and small databases
> (1~10k records, ~1kB each), but pick technologies that will allow the
> application to be grown into multi-user, rich UI, and large databases
> (10M+ records).
> Over the years, I have read "Programming Perl", "Learning Perl", "Perl
> Cookbook", "Object Oriented Perl", "Learning Perl Objects, References, &
> Modules", "Advanced Perl Programming", "Mastering Perl", "Mastering
> Algorithms with Perl", "Official Guide to Programming with CGI.pm",
> "Programming the Perl DBI", "CGI Programming with Perl", "Writing Apache
> Modules with Perl and C", "MYSQL", "MYSQL and Perl for the Web", and
> countless man pages, POD, and other online documentation.  Recently, I
> have read "Perl Template Toolkit", "Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason",
> and "PostgreSQL".  My web/ database experience has been limited to book
> examples/ exercises, some toy applications, and some dead-end attempts
> at e-commerce and CMS applications.
> I plan to start with the database portion of the application and am
> curious what people have to say about object-relational mapping and/or
> other tools that provide a higher-level interface than DBI.pm -- e.g.
> Alzabo, Fey::ORM, DBI::Class, etc..
> Also, what about the various WWW tools -- e.g. CGI.pm, CGI::Application,
> HTML::Template, Template::Toolkit, Mason, Catalyst, Gantry, etc..

Here are my preferences:

1. For the templating system, I really like the Template-Toolkit 
("Template.pm"). It's very powerful and convenient. I hate HTML::Template with 
a passion and find it confusing, counter-intuitive and not as powerful as TT2 

2. I've been using mostly plain-DBI in my work (not always web-related), but 
lately been working quite a lot with DBIx::Class, and think it's very nice. 

3. I've programmed some small web-apps using CGI::Application. Recently, I 
started contributing to two Catalyst projects, and like Catalyst a lot. I once 
started reading the Catalyst tutorial (in "Catalyst::Manual"), but forgot most 
of it, and now just hack on the existing Catalyst code as it is, and it's 
working after some trial and error.

Catalyst seems better than CGI::App.

4. I haven't made use of the new Moose-y features of Catalyst, but they may be 


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
My Aphorisms - http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html

God gave us two eyes and ten fingers so we will type five times as much as we

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