On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 04:08, Noah Garrett Wallach<noah-l...@enabled.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> is there any way to search for the following text?  In some cases the text
> that I am search could be
> "one-two-three-"
> or sometimes the text could be
> "one-two-"
> what is a nice easy why to parse the above - quotes not included.

What you are looking for is quantifiers.  Quantifiers state how many
times the preceding pattern must match:

if (/^one-two-(?:three-){0,1}$/} {
    print "matched\n"

In that example the quantifer {0,1} says that the pattern (?:three-)
should be between zero and one times.  This is a common enough
quantifier that it has gotten a shortcut:

if (/^one-two-(?:three-)?$/} {
    print "matched\n"

Other shortcuts are + (for {1,}, i.e. one or more) and * (for {0,},
i.e. zero or more).

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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