My agenda actually is two pronged. I have read Beginning Perl and a bit of 
Intermediate Perl, though was able to solve individual problems, but I was not 
sure,if I can code myself out of a wet paperbag.

So I thought, lets chuck theory. Its better to get hands dirty with some real 
life code. Actually, the stuff which I am working on is my own problem. Its 
related to what I do, and I was adviced to do the same thing in Excel, as its 
much easier. But yes, I got to learn Perl and got to solve my issue ;)

So that might explain the reason behind why I dont have much idea on what I 
happen to be thinking.I am not really sure how to proceed.

To put my problem more succinctly

a. I have a CSV file
b. I am reading and parsing it through Tie::Handle::CSV module
c. There is a date column in that csv file
d I want to process a hashlist such that each date is mapped to a sequential 
number. {where I am stuck at, currently}

e. I want to use this hash as a way to further process another csv such that I 
can segregate the contents of the second csv populating/processing two 
two-dimensional array.

f.. etc etc 


Would be interested in getting a bit of help. 

I am attaching a snippet.

use warnings;
use Tie::Handle::CSV;

#Read Market Data

my $file= shift @ARGV;
my $trade_fh=Tie::Handle::CSV->new($file,header=>1);

#Find the number of market days
 #I want to read the entire column called date, present in the file, and map it 
to a sequence of numbers


----- Original Message ----
From: Shawn H Corey <>
To: Uri Guttman <>
Cc: Soham Das <>;
Sent: Monday, 28 September, 2009 10:45:33 PM
Subject: Re: Arrays, Dates, Indexing and Initialisation

Uri Guttman wrote:
> only for ++/-- and +=/-= will that work with no warnings. if he uses an
> undef value in another arithmetic expression it will warn.

Also, undef values work in if/unless and while/until conditions.

Usually when you see indexes used with arrays, it is because the programmer 
does know of all the tools available for manipulating lists.  99.97% of the 
time, indexes are not needed.  But if you must insist on initializing the 
array, it's better to use the ||= assignment to indicated that zero is the 
default value, even if the array hasn't been used before.

$a[$_] ||= 0 for 0 .. 125;

One of the common patterns in Perl is using || for defaults.

$var ||= $default;


$var = expr || $default;

You should use common patterns where possible so that your code will be easier 
to understand.

-- Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,

Programming is as much about organization and communication
as it is about coding.

I like Perl; it's the only language where you can bless your

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