2009/10/25 Michael Alipio <daem0n...@yahoo.com>:
>  I'm trying to write a word list generator which can
>  generate all possible combinations of n characters, within n
>  set of characters.

Have you looked into the magical autoincrement operator?

   1. print ++($foo = '99'); # prints '100'
   2. print ++($foo = 'a0'); # prints 'a1'
   3. print ++($foo = 'Az'); # prints 'Ba'
   4. print ++($foo = 'zz'); # prints 'aaa'

my $x;
my $len = 4;

for ($x = 'a' x $len; $x ne 'a' x ($len+1); $x++) {
     print "$x\n";

Or you could specify it as a range:

my $len=4;

for ('a'x$len..'z'x$len) {
    print "$_\n";

These won't help with arbitrary character sets, unfortunately.

Gabor wrote:
> nd the loops could be replaced by a recursive function
> call. Something
> like this:
> do_something_for_char($k)
> sub do_something_for_char {
>   my ($k) = @_;
>   return if $k >= $n;
>    do_something_for_char($n+1);
> }

I would write it differently:

sub print_all_strings_of_length {
    my ($len, $prefix) = @_;
    $prefix = defined($prefix) ? $prefix : q{}; # or $prefix //= q{};
under recent perls
    $len < 0 and die qq{print_all_strings_of_length($len) can't be done};
    if ($len == 0) {
        print "$prefix\n";
    for ('a'..'z') { # or for (@set) for an arbitrary set of characters
        print_all_strings_of_length($len-1, $prefix.$_);


For me, the idea of recursion is expressing an idea in terms of a
slightly simpler idea. Here, I express how to print all strings of
length N in terms of an operation which will print all strings of
length N-1 prefixed with $prefix. So I use that operation to print all
strings starting with 'a' followed by N-1 characters, then all strings
starting 'b' followed by N-1 characters, and so on.


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