On 11/9/09 Mon  Nov 9, 2009  10:46 AM, "Dermot" <paik...@googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> I just spent 20mins scratching my head because I didn't read the docs
> very closely concerning splice. I had assumed it left the array
> intact, its doesn't. I was hoping for a function more akin to substr
> where the return would be the offset -> length of the array but the
> value it was working on remained in tact.
> @array = (1, 4, 6, 9, 2);
> my @list = splice(@array, 1, 3);        # @list = (1, 4, 6) and @array =(9,2)
> It doesn't say but do indexes start with 0 with splice?

Yes, unless you have changed the value of $[, but don't do that!

> Is there a List::Util or similar that might meet my needs? Or do I
> simple push the values back once I've used splice?
> push(@array, @list);

If you want a subset of a list without modifying the original list, use a
"list slice":

  my @list = @array[1..3];

See 'perldoc perldata' and search for 'Slices'.

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