2009/11/17 gaochong <zjgaoch...@gmail.com>:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> #Auther:gaochong
> use strict;
> my @list = (3 .. 9);
> my @FA=("FA00000001".."FA00002000");
> sub mk_fa {
>        my ($f) = @_;
>        foreach my $p (@list) {
>                mkdir "/data$p/NRU/$f",0755 or warn "mkdir /data$p/NRU/$f
> err:$!";

You should "use warnings".

Are you getting a warning from this line? What dies $! say. There
should be getting an error message and that will tell you exactly what
the problem is. 10/1 says it's file permissions.

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