Jeremiah Foster wrote:
Hi there!


This may or may not be a beginners question. If not, please let me
know where I ought to post. :-)

I have a data structure, a simple array. It is made up of sections of
files I have slurped;

sub _build_packages { use Perl6::Slurp;

Do you really need to use this module?

my @pkgs; # iterate over the packages slurping them into one map { push @pkgs, (slurp $_, {irs => qr/\n\n/xms}) } @packages;

You shouldn't use map() in void context:

     return [ map { slurp $_, { irs => qr/\n\n/ } } @packages ];

return \...@pkgs; }
(The above code is in the class declaration)

Now in my program which subclasses that array ref, after
de-referencing I have this idiom;

my %versions;
map { my $package = $_; # autovivfy a hash with versions of packages $versions{$package} = [ ] unless exists $versions{$package};
    push @{ $versions{$package} = $version
    } @packages

Again, you shouldn't use map() in void context:

foreach my $package ( @packages ) {
    # autovivfy a hash with versions of packages
    push @{ $versions{ $package } }, $version

So my questions are:

Is this an efficient way to do this? Am I using the idiom correctly?
Could I make it more readable? Is my predilection for map over foreach
making this less readable? Or is that only a question of style?

It depends on which version of Perl this will run on. In older versions map() in void context would create a list that would be discarded.

The programmer is fighting against the two most
destructive forces in the universe: entropy and
human stupidity.               -- Damian Conway

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