Please Help

I have multiple folders want to read trough each folder and search for certian file. I have code which is working fine but does not do what I want. I dont want to hard code path as it read different folder within
sub get_phone_log {
$p_dir="D:/43895" ;
print  $p_dir;
opendir(DIR, "$p_dir") or die "cant open directory: $!\n";
while(defined($folder = readdir(DIR))) {
 if (length $folder > 5)
print $folder; } if (substr($folder,0,8) eq 'PHONELOG') { &print_out_contents; }

closedir(DIR) ;


sub print_out_contents {
my $phonelog = "$p_dir/$folder";

open  (P1FILE, "$phonelog") or die "can't open $phonelog: $!";

flock (P1FILE, LOCK_SH)     or die "can't lock $phonelog: $!";

while (<P1FILE>)
   @linex = split(/\|/);

close   (P1FILE);


sub plfields {

$plcallername    = $linex[0];
$plcallerphone   = $linex[1];
$plcalleremail   = $linex[2];

$plsentdate      = $linex[3];
$plsentdate_ccyy = substr($plsentdate,0,4) ;
$plsentdate_yy   = substr($plsentdate,2,2) ;
$plsentdate_mm   = substr($plsentdate,4,2) ;
$plsentdate_dd   = substr($plsentdate,6,2) ;

$pltime          = $linex[4];
$plfilebase      = $linex[5];
$pltext          = $linex[6];

($plfilebase_type,$plfilebase_num,$plfilebase_name) = split (/\_/, $plfilebase);

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