
Maxim Berlin wrote:

> Hello Jimson,
> Thursday, September 13, 2001, Jimson Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [..]
> JL> Being new to perl, I know how to search for strings.  I know how to
> JL> explicitly search and replace a string.
> you always can use variable instead of exact string.
> JL>   What I don't know how to do is
> JL> search for a string,
> in array - grep, as you wrote below.
> in string - match, see
> perldoc -f m
> JL>  make that string a variable,
> grep function return array of results.
> my @results = grep /OAM/i, @lines;
> JL>  and then use that
> JL> variable in a search and replace statement so that I can run this script
> JL> at all my sites.
> see
> perldoc -f grep
> (grep can do replace for you), or
> perldoc -f s
> perldoc perlop
> JL> Here's what I'm using to search for a string...
> JL> open FILE, "<config.cfg" or die "can't open config.cfg: $!";
> JL> my @lines = <FILE>;
> JL> print grep /OAM/i, @lines;
> JL> When I run this against config.cfg, it gives me the string OAM...  Can I
> JL> make that a variable?
> yes :)
> Best wishes,
>  Maxim                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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