Eric Mooshagian wrote:
Dear All,


I have a few subroutines that I use to first build an index for several arrays and then, for example, take the mean for the index values. When I build the index I can exclude particular values in an array as follows:

my $index = defindex(
    exclude => ["0",\...@accuracy],
    valueof => [...@subject,\...@side,\...@valence],

This works fine, but only only for excluding single values like (e.g, "0"). What I would really like to do is pass an argument that includes comparators, for example, in pseudo code:

exclude => (responsetime <= 200) && (responsetime >= 1200) where responsetime refers to an array.

However, I have no idea how to do this using named parameters. Is there a strategy for passing such arguments to a subroutine?

Like Perl's built-in sort() function or the File::Find::find() function you can use a subroutine reference, for example, in pseudo code:

exclude => sub { return something if (responsetime <= 200) && (responsetime >= 1200) }

My current code:

use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(sum);
use List::MoreUtils qw(indexes each_arrayref);

#sample data
my @subject = qw(Sub1 Sub1 Sub1 Sub1 Sub1 Sub1 Sub1 Sub1 Sub2 Sub2 Sub2 Sub2 Sub2 Sub2 Sub2 Sub2); my @side= qw(left left left left right right right right left left left left right right right right); my @updown= qw(up down down up up up down down up up down down up up down down); my @valence= qw(minus plus minus plus minus plus minus plus minus plus minus plus minus plus minus plus); my @responsetime= (999.4,233.1,456.1,763.55,241.1,742.67,223.78,555.89,664.91,157.11,748.12, 848.13, 253.14, 623.15, 635.16, 423.17);
my @accuracy= qw(1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1);

my $index = defindex(
    exclude => ["0",\...@accuracy],
    valueof => [...@subject,\...@side,\...@valence],

my @index = @$index;


#Code for the module

#define the index
sub defindex {
    my $i;
    my $j;
    my @combined;
    my @meshed;
    my @index;
    my @match;
    my $exclude_input;
    my @values;
    my $input;
    my @exclude_values;

It is usually better to define variables where they are first used instead of all at the start of code.

    #Get the input arguments
    my (%options) = @_;
    $input = $options{valueof};
    $exclude_input = $options{exclude};
#Put the inputs into arrays
    @values = @$input if $input || die "No input to defindex!\n";
    @exclude_values = @$exclude_input if $exclude_input;

You should validate subroutine input at the point of input:

@_ and not @_ % 2 and my %options = @_ or die "Invalid input to defindex!\n";
    my @values         = @{ $options{ valueof } };
    my @exclude_values = @{ $options{ exclude } };

    #Number of arguments for the index
    my $num_args = (scalar(@values));

The expression (scalar(@values)) is already in scalar context because the left-hand side of the assignment forces scalar context.

    for my $i (0..($num_args-1)) {

That is usually written as:

    for my $i ( 0 .. $#values ) {
        push @combined, $values[ $i ];

Or simply:

    my @combined = @values;

    @meshed = mesh(@combined);

But you don't really need @combined, you could just use @values instead.

    my @meshed = mesh( @values );

    #Get the indices of the excluded values
    my $exclude = exclude(@exclude_values);
    my @exclude_indices = @$exclude;

    while (@meshed) {
        my $match = grep /^$j$/, @exclude_indices;
        unless ($match) {
            $index[$j]= join('', splice(@meshed,0,$num_args));
        } else     {
            my $ignore = join('', splice(@meshed,0,$num_args));

The $ignore variable is not used anywhere so you don't really need it. The only required part is the splice() function.

            splice @meshed, 0, $num_args;

            $index[$j]= "_";

Your loop might be better written as:

    my $j = 0;
    my @index;
    while ( @meshed ) {
        my $temp = join '', splice @meshed, 0, @values;

        $index[ $j++ ] = grep( $_ == $j, @exclude_indices ) ? '_' : $temp;

        undef my(@match);

This is a superfluous statement, it can be safely removed.

my @filtered_idx = grep($_ ne "_",@index);
     return \...@filtered_idx;

} #end defindex

sub exclude {
    my @values;
    my @match_idx;
    my @uniq_idx;
     my $i;
     my $j;

Again, it is usually better to define variables where they are first used instead of all at the start of code.

     while (@_) {
         my ($key, $values_ref)=(shift, shift);

I usually like to write that as:

         my ($key, $values_ref) = splice @_, 0, 2;

As it is less ambiguous.

@values = @$values_ref;

Why not use $values_ref directly instead of making a copy?

         for ($i = 0; $i < @values; $i++) {

That is usually written as:

         for my $i ( 0 .. $#values ) {

             if ($values[$i] eq $key) {
                 push(@match_idx, $i);    # save the index

You could always use grep() instead of a for loop:

push @match_idx, grep $key eq $values_ref->[ $_ ], 0 .. $#$values_ref;

#find the unique elements
        my %seen = ();
        foreach $j (@match_idx) {

        foreach my $j (@match_idx) {

            @{$_} = split /\s/, $j;

That statement is superfluous and can be safely removed. (And why are you modifying a global variable anyway?) (And how would $j ever contain any whitespace?)

            push(@uniq_idx, $j) unless $seen{$j}++;
        } #foreach $a

That is usually written as:

    #find the unique elements
    my %seen;
    my @uniq_idx = grep !$seen{ $_ }++, @match_idx;

     return \...@uniq_idx;

} #end exclude

# From Shlomi Fish
sub get_combos_from_kv {
    my ($keys, $values) = @_;

    my %combos;
foreach my $i (0..$#$keys) {
        my $key = $keys ->[$i];
        my $value = $values ->[$i];

        push (@{$combos{$key}},$value);
return \%combos;

# get the mean by index
sub getmean {
    my @ke...@{$_[0]};
    my @valu...@{$_[1]};
my $combos = get_combos_from_kv(\...@keys,\...@values);
    my %combos = %$combos;        #dereferenced
print "ID\tMeans\n";
    my $key;
    my $mean;
foreach $key (sort keys %combos) {
             my $mean = (sum(@{$combos{$key}}))/(scalar(@{$combos{$key}}));
             printf "$key\t%.3f\n", $mean;

Why all the dereferencing, copying and referencing and the redundant use of scalar()?

    my $combos = get_combos_from_kv( @_ );

    print "ID\tMeans\n";
    for my $key ( sort keys %$combos ) {
printf "$key\t%.3f\n", sum( @{ $combos->{ $key } } ) / @{ $combos->{ $key } };

} #end of getmean

#borrowed from the List::MoreUtils Module by Tassilo von Parseval sub mesh (\...@\@;\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@\...@\@) {

That should be written as:

sub mesh {

The prototype doesn't appear to be doing what you seem to think it is doing.

    my $max = -1;
    $max < $#$_  &&  ($max = $#$_)  for @_;

    map { my $ix = $_; map $_->[$ix], @_; } 0..$max;

The programmer is fighting against the two most
destructive forces in the universe: entropy and
human stupidity.               -- Damian Conway

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