Thanks Jim. I see my error now. I didn't realize you could just backtick in a 
for like that.

On Feb 8, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Jim Gibson wrote:

> On 2/8/10 Mon  Feb 8, 2010  3:55 PM, "Curt Shaffer" <>
> scribbled:
>> OK. So I have tried some things. I guess the largest issue that I can't find
>> an answer for elsewhere is how to evaluate variables to be >, = or <100 in 
>> one
>> evaluation.
>> Before I get there, obviously I need to get the variables.
>> Here is what I am trying to do for that:
>> @hping_array = ();
>> $hcount = 1;
>> for (; $hcount < 5;){
>>        system ("sudo hping3 $domain -S -p 80 -c 1|awk '{print $5}'");
>>        chomp;
>>        push hping_array, $_;
>>        $hcount++;
>> }
>> print "@hping_array\n";
>> So the code is trying to run the hping3 command against $domain. I am awking
>> for $5 which is the IPID value in the response. I am trying to push it into
>> the array @hping_array. This should happen 5 times.
>> Then I'm printing @hping_array. I'm only getting one value and it is actually
>> the whole response from hping. It seems to not respect the awk.
> The system function does not return the output of the external command to
> the callsign Perl program.
> See perldoc -q "output of a command"
> "Why can't I get the output of a command with system()?
> -- 
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