On Saturday, September 15, 2001, at 11:22 AM, Chris Zubrzycki wrote:

I have been trying to get CPAN working (with sudo perl -MCPAN -e 
shell;), but when building Perl 5.6.1, i get errors. i tried to force 
it, to no avail.

these are the last lines of the build process...I was hoping everything 
would be automagic, but why is there no makefile?

I'm on OS X [darwin] and used all the defaults, even when they were 
strange (couldn't find malloc?)

ok...after much digging i think i found the right way....

rm -f config.sh Policy.sh
sh Configure -ds -e -Dprefix=/usr -Dccflags="-g -pipe" 
make test
mv install install.txt    # Necessary because INSTALL eq install on OS 
X ##
make install

it seems tho that the -pipe on the cmdline is not needed...the cc output 
has "-pipe -pipe"

CCCMD =  cc -DPERL_CORE -c -g -pipe -pipe -fno-common 
-DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE -fno-strict-aliasing -O3

weird. how hard is it to get changes like these into the source tree so 
it can be automatic?

only failed 5 tests, 2 which were expected to fail.


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