raphael() wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to understand WWW::Mechanize
> I understand that the downloaded content is stored in content().
> Why am I not able to use a regex on it in scalar form?
> ------code------
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use WWW::Mechanize;
> my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
> $mech->get("http://checkip.dyndns.org";);
> my $last_page = $mech->content(); # last page fetched
> # this works if I store content in an array @last_page
> # for ( @last_page ) {
> #    if ( m/([\d+.]+)/ ) {
> #    print "$1\n";
> #    }
> # }
> # ( my $ip ) = grep/(\d+\.)/, $last_page;
> ( my $ip = $last_page ) =~ m/([\d+\.]+)/;
> print "$ip\n";
> ------end------
> my $ip gets the whole source page as its value.
> --
> Got it while writing out this post :)
> --
> Now the question becomes what is the difference between these two?
> ( my $ip = $last_page ) =~ m/([\d+\.]+)/;
> ( my $ip ) = ( $last_page ) =~ m/([\d+\.]+)/;
> I think the above one is "wrong syntax" for using list context?
> Also  how can I make grep work?
> ( my $ip ) = grep/(\d+\.)/, $last_page;


  my ( $ip ) = $last_page =~ m/([\d\.]+)/;

This will capture the first one.  To get more than one:

  my @ips = $last_page =~ m/([\d\.]+)/g;

grep() works on lists.  See `perldoc -f grep` for details.

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