Harry Putnam wrote:
I want to know if doing something like what is in the code below would
be expensive or for some other reason a bad choice.

There is more code, that either feeds the `find()' function or further
processes the results of the `find()' part.  The code is not in
finished form, or tested, but more to show what I'm trying to do.

There are, probably unnecessary, comments to try to show intent.

I want to be able to pass in a regex to find specific directories and
a regex to find things in the text of numeric named files in those

The passing part will probably be done with getopts standard.  Or just
a shift of two expected args.  That part is not what I'm asking about.

I'm more concerned with how the code would plow through a directory
This would be in a directory hierarchy that would contain many levels
such as a News hierarchy, where each segment of a newsgroup name is a
level that may contain many branches and possibly many thousands of single
messages in each level and branch.

A place where you might want to pass in the regex `linux\.'  to search
only the newsgroups below linux in the hierarchy, for the text_regex
that might be in the files there.

The idea being to allow you to focus a search without having to know
the exact name of the newsgroup[s]. You would at least be searching a
group with the string `linux.' in it.

So what I'm curious about is if it would be good to `next' out if the
File::Find::dir does not contain linux\.

Like: next if(! $File::Find::dir =~ /$dir_rgx/);

No.  Because you are inside a subroutine you have to use return:

  return unless $File::Find::dir =~ /$dir_rgx/;

Or perhaps:

  return if $File::Find::dir !~ /$dir_rgx/;

Like I've done in he code below.  Just let the dir_rgx be a selector
and not worry about pulling the next line immediately.

I've thought about using `stat' to allow only directories into the
first directory based test as a further way to help focus things.  But
not sure any of this will help speed things up.

$File::Find::dir will *only* contain directory names so such a test is not needed.

The programmer is fighting against the two most
destructive forces in the universe: entropy and
human stupidity.               -- Damian Conway

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