Hi Russ,

Have you looked into the Net::Jabber modules on the CPAN?


On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 01:55:07PM -0400, Russell Brooks 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spew-ed forth:
> Hi,
>   Someone has recently requested that I push some output from some perl
> scripts to a jabber client.  If anyone has experience with this, is it just
> a combination of an open to the client (what is the syntax) and a write?

[Writing CGI Applications with Perl - http://perlcgi-book.com]
"I'm hopeful. I know there is a lot of ambition in Washington, obviously. But I
hope the ambitious realize they are more likely to succeed with success as
opposed to failure."
        -- G.W. Bush, Interview with the AP 01/18/2001

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  • Jabber Russell Brooks
    • Kevin Meltzer

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