At 04:33 PM 09/17/2001 -0500, randy Peterman wrote:
>open (BOOK, "Programming Web Graphics with Perl and GNU software By Shawn P.
>Wallace" -published => "O'reilly.") or die "I don't have enough money";.

That book isn't bad, but it's sorely out of date, especially regarding the
chapter on charting and graphing with GIFGraph, which is deprecated.
GD::Graph is the way to go nowadays.

Martien Verbruggen is supposed to have a new Perl graphics book coming out,
but the publication date seems to keep getting pushed back.

>Then you could search for PerlMagick, or the module on CPAN called

PerlMagick is way overkill for simple charting applications, but if you
need its power, it's there. GD::Graph works for most of my needs though,
however I have to admit that it has some annoying limitations (especially
text/label placement) that forces me to create my own GD drawing routines
to work around.


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