Hi all,

I have a Perl script on Windows that does date calculation and using
Date::Calc, Decode_Month and Delta_YMDHMS functions

Am using the script to calculate the difference between two dates, for
example, for the two (2) dates below:

01/Jan/2010 04:01:27
01/Jan/2010 02:06:30
The script is working fine, and am happy with how it is at the moment, now
at the moment I have two (2) issues/problems as below:

Problem 1:
- Is there a function to compare the two (2) dates so ensure that I will
always be doing <future_date>-<past_date>? At the moment, the workaround
that am doing is if I get a negative value, then that means, I've done
a <past_date>-<future_date> and need to change the way I print the output.

Problem 2 is the bigger problem:
- Now I want to use the same script to run on a UNIX box but unfortunately I
do not have the Date::Calc module on that server. I am not allowed to
install any additional modules as the UNIX SA said no, no, no, no ....
grrrrr ... I don't have DateTime or Date::Manip either. I don't know what
Date or Time modules are installed on the server. Is there a way to check
what modules are available/installed on the Perl install?

- Anyway, question is can someone advise if there is any way of doing date
calculations in this case where I don't have seem to have any Date or Time
module installed? For the moment, I'll try to convince the UNIX SA to
download and install the Date::Calc module, fingers crossed.

Any advise or response will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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