Hi again,
thank you for trying to help!
I have been looking at the script once again, I could not really get your 
suggestion to work, but I have been doing some new changes thought. 
With this script I am pasting her, I manage to print the graph to a .png file, 
but the histogram does not show. The x and y axes should be correct, 
but there is some thing wrong whit the $xydata I think, I have also been trying 
to only print the @ydata but the histograms will not show.

Any suggestions?


# Needed pkg
use Getopt::Std;
use strict;
use warnings;
use GD::Graph::bars;

# Global variables
my $VERBOSE = 0;
my $DEBUG = 0;

# handle flags and 
# Example: c == "-c", c: == "-c argument"
my $opt_string = 'hvdf:';
getopts( "$opt_string", \my %opt ) or usage() and exit 1; # exit other than 0 = 

# print help message if -h is invoked
if ( $opt{'h'} ){
        exit 0;

$VERBOSE = 1 if $opt{'v'};
$DEBUG = 1 if $opt{'d'};
my $FILENAME = $opt{'f'};

# main program content

my $filename = $FILENAME;
my $line;
my @dataarray;
my @array;
my $counter;
my $histmin;
my $histmax;

open (FILE, "$filename") or die ("ERROR: $!\n");

while ($line = <FILE>){
        chomp $line;
        @array = split / /, $line;
        @array = sort @array;
        $histmin = $array[0];
        $histmax = $array[-1];

       my %data;
       foreach my $tmp (@array) {
       my @xdata = keys(%data);
       my @ydata = keys(%data);
       my @xydata=(\...@xdata, \...@ydata);


# Helper routines

sub usage {
        # print the correct use of this script
          print "Usage:\n";
          print "-h    Usage\n";
          print "-v    Verbose\n";
          print "-d    Debug\n";
          print "-f    Filename\n";

sub verbose {
        print $_[0] if ( $VERBOSE or $DEBUG );

sub debug {
        print $_[0] if ( $DEBUG );

sub printHistogram {
    my ($xydata,$filename,$histmin,$histmax,$title) = @_;
    my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(600, 300);     

        y_label           => 'Frequency',       
        title             => $title,
        y_max_value       => 10,
        y_min_value       => 0,
        x_max_value       => $histmax,
        x_min_value       => $histmin,
        y_tick_number     => 10,
        x_tick_number     => 16,
        y_label_skip      => 2,
        x_label_skip      => 1,
        x_tick_offset    => 1
    ) or die $graph->error;
    my $gd = $graph->plot($xydata) or die $graph->error;
    open(IMG, ">$filename.png") or die $!;
    binmode IMG;
    print IMG $gd->png;
    close IMG;


Den 7. apr. 2010 kl. 15.05 skrev Jins Thomas:

> Hi alekto,
> If this is the case, you should sort help of hash in perl imho,may be others 
> can suggest some other ways as well..
> See the %data and population of @xydata below. And supply the @xydata to 
> plot() . Did u get me. So finally a working code will look some thing like 
> this... See the ##Modified begin/end##  comment to separate out the changes.
> Others please suggest if someother better way :) 
> # Needed pkg
> use Getopt::Std;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use GD::Graph::bars;
> # Global variables
> my $VERBOSE = 0;
> my $DEBUG = 0;
> ################################################################
> # handle flags and
> # Example: c == "-c", c: == "-c argument"
> my $opt_string = 'hvdf:';
> getopts( "$opt_string", \my %opt ) or usage() and exit 1; # exit other than 0 
> = error!!
> # print help message if -h is invoked
> if ( $opt{'h'} ){
>        usage();
>        exit 0;
>    }
> $VERBOSE = 1 if $opt{'v'};
> $DEBUG = 1 if $opt{'d'};
> my $FILENAME = $opt{'f'};
> # main program content
> my $filename = $FILENAME;
> my $line;
> my @dataarray;
> my @array;
> my $counter;
> my $histmin;
> my $histmax;
> open (FILE, "$filename") or die ("ERROR: $!\n");
> while ($line = <FILE>){
>        debug($line);
>        chomp $line;
>        @array = split / /, $line;
>        @array = sort @array;
>        $histmin = $array[0];
>        $histmax = $array[-1];
>        $counter++;
>        }
> #######Modified begin #########################
>        my %data;
>        foreach my $tmp (@array) {
>         $data{$tmp}+=1;
>        }
>        my @xdata = keys(%data);
>        my @ydata = values(%data);
>        my @xydata=(\...@xdata, \...@ydata);
> #######Modified end#########################
> # print "$histmin\n$histmax\n";
> # print "min: $array[0]\nmax: $array[-1]\n";
> # print "@dataarray\n";
> #######Modified begin #########################
> printHistogram(\...@xydata,$filename,$histmin,$histmax,'Age');
> #######Modified end #########################
> ##########################################
> # Helper routines
> sub usage {
>        # print the correct use of this script
>          print "Usage:\n";
>          print "-h    Usage\n";
>          print "-v    Verbose\n";
>          print "-d    Debug\n";
>          print "-f    Filename\n";
>    }
> sub verbose {
>        print $_[0] if ( $VERBOSE or $DEBUG );
>    }
> sub debug {
>        print $_[0] if ( $DEBUG );
>    }
> sub printHistogram {
> #######Modified begin#########################
>    my ($xydata,$filename,$histmin,$histmax,$title) = @_;
> #######Modified end #########################
>    my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(400, 300);
>    $graph->set(
>        x_label           => 'X Label',
>        y_label           => 'Y label',
>        title             => '$title',
>        y_max_value       => $histmax,
>        y_min_value       => $histmin,
>        y_tick_number     => 8,
>        y_label_skip      => 2
>    ) or die $graph->error;
> #######Modified begin #########################
>    my $gd = $graph->plot($xydata) or die $graph->error;
> #######Modified end #########################
>    open(IMG, ">$filename.png") or die $!;
>    binmode IMG;
>    print IMG $gd->png;
>    close IMG;
>    }
> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 6:03 PM, alekto <alekto.antarct...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Thanks for helping!
> The ting is that my age file only contain age values like this: 22 22 23 24 
> 26 26 26 26 28 28 30 30, and I have no input for a second array!
> I want these age values to be the bars(x-values), and a want the number of 
> times each of these are represented, to be the y-values.
> Could this be done with the script I am working on, or must I do some changes 
> in order to make this work? 
> X Alekto
> Den 7. apr. 2010 kl. 11.44 skrev Jins Thomas:
>> Hi Alekto,
>> How your file content looks like? Please paste few lines from your input 
>> file age.
>> Are you supplying X axis and Y axis values properly, basically you should 
>> supply two arrays, one for X axis and and one for Y axis.
>> See the example in 
>> http://gdgraph.com/samples/sample11.html
>> Cheers
>> Jins
>> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 12:34 PM, alekto <alekto.antarct...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys!
>> Tnx for answering! Of course it was the /misplacing of the \ that caused my 
>> error;)
>> But after changing this error I still get an other error msg like this:
>> Invalid data set: 1 at ./bars.pl line 90, <FILE> line 1.
>> which is referring to this line in my script:
>> my $gd = $graph->plot(\...@array) or die $graph->error;
>> I'm not sure what this error means??
>> Xalekto
>> Den 7. apr. 2010 kl. 07.23 skrev Jins Thomas:
>> > Hi alekto,
>> >
>> > My guess
>> >
>> > Main error is due to
>> > my $gd = $graph->plot(/@array)  (Line 90) Did u meant \ (bless operator) 
>> > instead of / . Same is being repeated  in printHistogram(/@array
>> >
>> > Also hope last } was for printHistogram subroutine was copy paste problem 
>> > while emailing. Other than that this looks fine.
>> >
>> > Let me know you require some further help on this.
>> >
>> >
>> > Cheers
>> > Jins Thomas
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:20 AM, alekto <alekto.antarct...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > I got this scrip that is suppsed to use the use the Getopt::Std; and 
>> > GD::Graph::bars; to input generate an array from a file (age).
>> > With this array, the GD::Graph::bars is going to create a subroutine 
>> > printHistogram() which generates a png file based on a supplied array.
>> > The signature of the method could be like this: 
>> > printHistogram(\...@histy,"$filename",$histmin,$histmax,"Title");
>> >
>> > I manage to generate the array from the input file, but it seems like 
>> > there is something wrong with my subroutine at the end, I have been using 
>> > the examples at cpan.org as an templat for this subroutine.
>> > Following is the error msg, as well as the complete script.
>> > Tnx!
>> >
>> >
>> > The ERROR msg:
>> >
>> > hostname$ ./bars.pl -f age
>> > ./bars.pl: line 5: use: command not found
>> > Array found where operator expected at ./bars.pl line 90, at end of line
>> >  (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 53)
>> >        (Missing operator before ?)
>> > Global symbol "$title" requires explicit package name at ./bars.pl line 53.
>> > Global symbol "$graph" requires explicit package name at ./bars.pl line 53.
>> > Global symbol "$graph" requires explicit package name at ./bars.pl line 53.
>> > Global symbol "$title" requires explicit package name at ./bars.pl line 53.
>> > Global symbol "$graph" requires explicit package name at ./bars.pl line 53.
>> > Global symbol "$gd" requires explicit package name at ./bars.pl line 53.
>> > Global symbol "$graph" requires explicit package name at ./bars.pl line 53.
>> > syntax error at ./bars.pl line 90, near "my $gd = $graph->plot(/@array"
>> > Global symbol "$graph" requires explicit package name at ./bars.pl line 90.
>> > Global symbol "$gd" requires explicit package name at ./bars.pl line 95.
>> > Unmatched right curly bracket at ./bars.pl line 97, at end of line
>> > ./bars.pl has too many errors.'
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>> >
>> > # Needed pkg
>> > use Getopt::Std;
>> > use strict;
>> > use warnings;
>> > use GD::Graph::bars;
>> >
>> > # Global variables
>> > my $VERBOSE = 0;
>> > my $DEBUG = 0;
>> >
>> > ################################################################
>> > # handle flags and
>> > # Example: c == "-c", c: == "-c argument"
>> > my $opt_string = 'hvdf:';
>> > getopts( "$opt_string", \my %opt ) or usage() and exit 1; # exit other 
>> > than 0 = error!!
>> >
>> > # print help message if -h is invoked
>> > if ( $opt{'h'} ){
>> >        usage();
>> >        exit 0;
>> >    }
>> >
>> > $VERBOSE = 1 if $opt{'v'};
>> > $DEBUG = 1 if $opt{'d'};
>> > my $FILENAME = $opt{'f'};
>> >
>> > # main program content
>> >
>> > my $filename = $FILENAME;
>> > my $line;
>> > my @dataarray;
>> > my @array;
>> > my $counter;
>> > my $histmin;
>> > my $histmax;
>> >
>> > open (FILE, "$filename") or die ("ERROR: $!\n");
>> >
>> > while ($line = <FILE>){
>> >        debug($line);
>> >        chomp $line;
>> >        @array = split / /, $line;
>> >        @array = sort @array;
>> >        $histmin = $array[0];
>> >        $histmax = $array[-1];
>> >        $counter++;
>> >        }
>> > # print "$histmin\n$histmax\n";
>> > # print "min: $array[0]\nmax: $array[-1]\n";
>> > # print "@dataarray\n";
>> > printHistogram(/@array,$filename,$histmin,$histmax,'Age');
>> >
>> >
>> > ##########################################
>> > # Helper routines
>> >
>> > sub usage {
>> >        # print the correct use of this script
>> >          print "Usage:\n";
>> >          print "-h    Usage\n";
>> >          print "-v    Verbose\n";
>> >          print "-d    Debug\n";
>> >          print "-f    Filename\n";
>> >    }
>> >
>> > sub verbose {
>> >        print $_[0] if ( $VERBOSE or $DEBUG );
>> >    }
>> >
>> > sub debug {
>> >        print $_[0] if ( $DEBUG );
>> >    }
>> >
>> > sub printHistogram {
>> >    my (@array,$filename,$histmin,$histmax,$title) = @_;
>> >    my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(400, 300);
>> >
>> >    $graph->set(
>> >        x_label           => 'X Label',
>> >        y_label           => 'Y label',
>> >        title             => '$title',
>> >        y_max_value       => $histmax,
>> >        y_min_value       => $histmin,
>> >        y_tick_number     => 8,
>> >        y_label_skip      => 2
>> >    ) or die $graph->error;
>> >
>> >    my $gd = $graph->plot(/@array) or die $graph->error;
>> >
>> >
>> >    open(IMG, '>$filename.png') or die $!;
>> >    binmode IMG;
>> >    print IMG $gd->png;
>> >    close IMG;
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: beginners-unsubscr...@perl.org
>> > For additional commands, e-mail: beginners-h...@perl.org
>> > http://learn.perl.org/
>> >
>> >
>> >

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