HACKER Nora <nora.hac...@stgkk.at> asked:
> I wonder if some of you are in the same situation like me: I am the
> only Perl programmer in the company, at least trying hard to get
> along :-), but I have nobody to ask for help. So I spend hours and
> hours with my book and the internet when I'm stuck. Luckily, so far
> I almost always accomplished what I wanted to do, but I don't know
> whether it is "good" programming - the scripts work, but if I compare
> them to some code that comes from the experienced guys here on the
> list they just look ... uhm, different ... How do you improve your
> scripts and in general your coding style without having someone to
> alert/advise you what could be improved?

- Many guidelines for good programming style apply to all programming languages 
in general - with the corollary being that "the determined Real Programmer can 
write Fortran programs in any language"[1]. Asking an experienced colleague 
about the subject might get you helpful pointers.

- Learn from other people's code. Try and figure out why they do certain things 
in certain ways. Code posted to this list by major contributors usually comes 
with an explanation why things were done in a certain way.

- Learn from your own mistakes, and find strategies to avoid or detect them. 
For example, back when I started learning C, I used to mix up = and == in 
comparisons. This led to many frustrating bug-hunts until I finally figured out 
that it's helpful to place constants on the left side in a comparison, so that 
I'd get a compiler error when I mistyped a comparison.

- Get in touch with other Perl programmers. I don't know where you're located 
in Austria but at least in Innsbruck and Vienna, there are Perlmonger groups. 
Attend a Perl conference like the annual German Perl Workshop[2] or 
YAPC::Europe[3] - they're very reasonably priced, so that you might even be 
able to convince your boss to pay for the trip as a training session. 


1) http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/real.programmers.html
2) http://conferences.yapceurope.org/gpw2010/
3) http://conferences.yapceurope.org/ye2010/

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