Hi Uri,

Thanks for the response.

I was using both Komodo Edit and Primalscript and
didn't see a compile error, until I added the ref to $!
then I could see that my filepath was being damaged
because of the doublequotes.

The reason I wondered about the full path was because I
have been using Powershell an awful lot these last two years
and I am aware of certain scenarios where sometimes you
have to supply a full path and sometimes you only have to
supply a path relative to where you have "cd" into, or in the
case of Powershell "set-location", though "cd" is an alias.
Whereas something like [system.io.file]::ReadALLLines("$path")
where $path must be the full path.

Sorry for any confusion about the use of /* */, thats just a bad

I've only just installed and begun to learn Perl. The books arrived
so I'm looking forward to the journey!

Thanks again,


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