Philip Potter <> writes:

> You have to start with *some* goal. Even in agile, you start with
> stories to work out in what direction you are headed. You formalise
> your requirements into tests and then you start coding. Yes, you
> revise your stories, requirements and tests as you learn more about
> the design and the technology, but you still need to start from
> somewhere.

Here we are again... good heavens Philip, haven't I shown a number of
goals?  You continue to sound as if I've never uttered a word about
what I wanted to do..... That is just baloney.

Of course what you say above is right (I don't mean just in
agile.. which I know nothing whatever about).

I guess I don't see a need to keep repeating the same mantra.. when
that is exactly (close enough anyway) what has happened in this thread.

I may have presented poor examples or asked the wrong or dumb
questions but at root... what you continue to repeat is pretty much
what happened here.

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