On Wednesday 05 May 2010, Rob Coops wrote:
> Would it not be more efficient to reset the file handle to the star of the
> file?
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Fcntl qw(:seek);
> ...
> foreach my $condition (@conditions) {
>  seek ( $fh, 0, 0 ) or die "ERROR: Could not reset file handle\n";
>  while (<LOGFILE>) {
>   my $line = $_;
>   ...
>  }
> }
> That way there is not need to re-open the file handle over and over again
> saving on that IO overhead. Of course you need to then deal with the
> posibility of the file being rotated etc. if this is a long running script,
> but if this is a once every now and then started script say once every 5 or
> 10 minutes then you should be fine doing this.
> If you want this script to run all the time in a never ending loop and deal
> with rotating files due to size/dates etc, then the reopening of the file is
> the simplest way of doing this.

He may also avoid opening filehandle again by doing this:  


while ($line = <$fh>)
 if ($line =~ /$condition1/) { print $fh_out1 "$line"; }
 elsif ($line =~ /$condition2/) { print $fh_out1 "$line"; }

However, this wouldn't be appropriate if there're more conditions. So the big 
question is, which way is better if we need to do a check statement (grep or 
regex) with a file multiple times in a program? 

1. Storing the file into a list or a variable at the beginning - But what if 
the file is huge?
2. Opening filehandles again and again - would cause I/O overhead
3. any other method?

Akhthar Parvez K
UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to 
understand the simplicity - Dennie Richie

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