On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:59 AM, Eric Veith1 <eric.ve...@de.ibm.com> wrote:

> "raphael()" <raphael.j...@gmail.com> wrote on 05/10/2010 04:07:58 PM:
> > I want to do work on all elements of an array simultaneously.
> To clarify: You want to access an hash defined in the parent process from
> all N child processes?
> I'm sorry to tell you, but this won't work so easily. When forking, data is
> *copied*. Which means that every child process gets a copy of all the
> parent's variables, but whenever you modify them, the modification has only
> an effect within the child process, because it's just a copy.
> There's a whole bag full of inter process communication (IPC) algorithms,
> ranging from files over sockets to posix message queues. You might to have
> a look at "perldoc perlipc" and the whole lot of IPC modules on cpan.
> HTH.
>                  Eric
> --
> Eric MSP Veith <eric.ve...@de.ibm.com>
> Hechtsheimer Str. 2
> DE-55131 Mainz
> Germany
> IBM Deutschland GmbH
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Erich Clementi
> Geschäftsführung: Martin Jetter (Vorsitzender), Reinhard Reschke, Christoph
> Grandpierre, Matthias Hartmann, Michael Diemer, Martina Koederitz
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Stuttgart
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 14562
> WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 99369940
Hi Eric. I knew I wouldn't get to eat the cake so easily.
Let see what other have to say  on this. *Thanks* for your reply.

PS - perldoc perlipc seems complicated :(

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