
Following the suggestion of one of you (sorry, don't remember who's...),
I am skimming through my old Perl scripts and trying to improve them.
Now I have a problem with one of them, after inserting "use strict;" -
would be great, if you could help me:

The script is being started with a parameter $stp (among others) that
can be one of mvb/pkv/av/be/vvw. This parameter is used as a key for a
master hash the values of which are names of other hashes themselves. 

# Master-Hash
my %stp_dirs = ( "mvb" => "mvb_dirs",
                        "pkv" => "pkv_dirs",
                        "av" => "av_dirs",
                        "be" => "be_dirs",
                        "vvw" => "vvw_dirs" );

# AV
my %av_dirs=(   "dir11" => "dir12" 
        "dir13" => "dir14" );

# BE
my %be_dirs=(   "dir21" => "dir22"
        "dir23" => "dir24" );

my %mvb_dirs= ("dir31" => "dir32"
                        "dir33" => "dir34" );

my %pkv_dirs=( "dir41" => "dir42"
                        "dir43" => "dir44" );

my %vvw_dirs=( "dir51" => "dir52"
                        "dir53" => "dir54" );

Before "use strict;" the replacement of $stp in the hash name below
worked fine

my ($sdir, $tdir);
while (($sdir,$tdir) = each %{$stp_dirs{$stp}}) {
        DEBUG("SourceDir: $sdir\t\tTargetDir: $tdir\n");

now I get an error:

Can't use string ("mvb_dirs") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use
at -e line 148.

Can somebody please point me into the right direction? Also, I'd like to
know whether this is "good practice" - I found something in the infinite
depths of the www that using a variable in a name is a bad idea, but in
this case I do not have any other idea how to accomplish that (at least,
perlcritic.org didn't complain about that).

Thanks in advance, 

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