Meghanand Acharekar wrote:


I have written following perl code to sort file in subfolders according to
regex matching

I don't see any regular expressions in the code you provided?

its giving me following error while compiling the code.

Global symbol "@i" requires explicit package name at line 21.
Global symbol "@i" requires explicit package name at line 30.

Perl Code.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Sorting file in to subdirs
use integer;
use File::Copy;

You don't use that module anywhere so why include it?

use strict;

my $base_dir="/home/gamesroot/meghanand/Lab1";
my $file_base="games-event.log2010";

my $i=0;

That variable is only used in the next statement so you don't really need it;

my $j=$i+1;
my @file1="";
my @file2="";

Why are you assigning a string to $file1[0] and $file2[0]? These arrays don't need to be in file scope, they should be defined inside the loop.

for(my $i=0;$i<6;$i++)

That is usually written as:

for my $i ( 0 .. 5 )

        `mkdir $base_dir/$j`;

There is no need to call mkdir from the shell:

          mkdir "$base_dir/$j" or die "Cannot mkdir '$base_dir/$j' $!";


There is no need to call an external program like 'ls' to get a list of file names, and "$i[0-4]" is interpolated by perl as the fourth element from the end of the @i array (and "$i[5-9]" refers to the same element [5-9 equals -4 which is the same as 0-4]) which doesn't exist.

my @file1 = glob "$base_dir/games-event.log2010-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]_${i}[0-4]*";


my @file1 = glob "$base_dir/games-event.log2010-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]_$i\[0-4]*";

                `mv $_ $base_dir/$j`;

There is no need to call an external program to rename files, and if you use Perl's glob function then you don't have to chomp the file name:

rename $_, "$base_dir/$j" or die "Cannot rename '$_' to '$base_dir/$j' $!";



That is usually written as:

          $j += 1;

Or simply:


The programmer is fighting against the two most
destructive forces in the universe: entropy and
human stupidity.               -- Damian Conway

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