These 3 lines of code:

if (fork()) {sleep 10; exit(0);}
exit(system("/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ping -H -w
500,20% -c 1000,40% 1> /tmp/stdout.txt 2> /tmp/stderr.txt; echo $? >

return "PING WARNING - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 62.08
ms|rta=62.077999ms;500.000000;1000.000000;0.000000 pl=0%;20;40;0" into
/tmp/stdout.txt and 256 into /tmp/res.txt (/tmp/stderr.txt remains

If I comment out the 2nd line, it returns "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%,
RTA = 62.86 ms|rta=62.862999ms;500.000000;1000.000000;0.000000
pl=0%;20;40;0" in /tmp/stdout.txt and 256 into /tmp/res.txt (weird?),
with /tmp/stderr.txt remaining empty.

Why does SIG{CHLD} affect whether I get "PING WARNING" or "PING OK"?

I ran this test several times, so this isn't being slow/fast issue.

I also realize that the first result ("PING WARNING") is odd, since
the RTA and packet loss look fine.

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