My ISP:: project has reached a level that it's almost unmaintainable by
one person anymore. 49k+ lines of code across +15 modules, not including
other custom modules that it has its hooks into.

I once again am looking for advice on documentation practices. This
project is beyond the point of having a pretty graphical
process-flow-chart-type thingy.

Often, the 'user' documentation is adequate (I vehemently keep it
up-to-date), but I'm finding myself more and more often needing to refer
directly to the code when changes are needed that scale from a top-level
module into the depths of what could be a half-dozen calls deep, across
three or four modules.

The looking at code isn't all that much an issue given the number of
monitors that I have attached to my workstation, but I've gotten used to
reading my own perldocs, and because this system has a web gui that I'm
constantly using, all my perdocs are html-ized as well.

Is there a POD system that can be used exclusively for 'developer'
documentation? Can I make devel docs 'hidden' from the rest of the POD?

If not, can you recommend a decent practice that I can weave into my
current documentation methodology so that people can still enjoy my user
docs, while I can review my devel docs within a separate `perldoc' page?


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