In light of the whole iso file fiasco that has been going on today, this may also be a 
bit off topic if so just leave it alone and I apologize.  

I would like to try to start doing a little bit of free lance web/cgi develop on the 
side from my current job, which is not relate to the industry at all.  The last thing 
that I would call myself is a professional perl hacker but with enough time and coffee 
I can figure out about any thing. The same goes for coding html, I can make it work 
given enough time.  Is there any one out there that has been in this position before 
that could share some wisdom, like what to watch for, solicitation business or any 
thing else that might be relevant.  

I appreciate you time, and if this is misplaced lets not waste twenty-thirty posts 
bickering over it alright, why can't we all just get along anyway?


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken

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